Clever Battery

Clever Battery

LiFePO4 batteries with CAN protocol support

Why now

  • 1

    Lack of fast charging solutions

    There are no fast charging solutions for small electric vehicles batteries on the market

  • 2

    Batteries without CAN controllers

    Small vehicle batteries do not support the CAN controllers that are required to provide efficient and safe fast charging.

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    Lack of solutions for the combined use of batteries.

    There are no out-of-the-box solutions for using multiple hot-swap batteries while using a single vehicle.

CLEVERPOD solution - LiFePO4 batteries with CAN controller for small electric vehicles

CLEVERPOD LiFePO4 batteries with CAN controllers are designed to provide electricity directly to small electric vehicles. Our batteries are equipped with BMS with CAN controllers to connect to an on-board charger, which provides much faster charging speeds and maximum performance. Several CLEVERPOD LiFePO4 batteries can be used simultaneously when using one vehicle with the ability to quickly replace if necessary, which also minimizes downtime. Our LiFePO4 batteries have a long service life and a low self-discharge rate without memory effects; these batteries are safe at high temperatures, universal and easily connect to many types of small vehicles.

Solution Benefits

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    Complete set with specialized BMS with CAN controllers

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    Compatible with on-board chargers with CAN controllers for fast charging

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    Possibility of charging from charging stations and from a household network

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    Internal temperature sensors

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    Stable work at a temperature of -20℃- +90℃

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    Automatic shutdown and overload recovery

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    Automatic shutdown and recovery at temperatures over 90 ° C

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    High level of safety and reliability

Technical Specifications

Количество1-3 шт
AккумуляторЛитий-железо-фосфатный аккумулятор (LiFePO4)
Тип ячеек:32700-6 Ач
Емкость84 Ач
Рабочий ток50А
БМСБМС с CAN-контроллером
ЗащитаЗащита от перегрузки по току
Защита от короткого замыкания
Защита от перезаряда
Защита от чрезмерного разряда
Защита от перегрева
Диапазон рабочих температур-20 ~ + 90℃
Диапазон температур хранения --40 ~ + 125℃
Размер 1 аккумулятора754 (Д)x516 (Ш)X285 (В)мм

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